Awesome Con was well, awesome!

It was such a great time. I’m so happy so many people tried out the demo and seem to be interested in the game.

I also want to thank all of the other devs for showing their games. I’m so glad I got to try them. I’ll be making a post about all of them soon. Post convention time has been hectic to say the least.

More to come soon, so stay tuned!

It has been a minute.

Hi all, like the title says, it has been a while since I updated things here. I’ve been quite busy with life and working on the game. I should be showing a few new screens relatively soon. That being said, I have some good news and some unfortunate news.

The good news is I’ll be showing off the game at Awesome-Con in about a week. So if you’re in the DC area during June 16 – 18, stop by and say hi!

Now the unfortunate news. I have to push back the start of the kickstarter to January 1, 2024. I simply have not had the time and resources to properly prepare in the ways that I need to in order to run a successful campaign. So a little more time is in order. I hope that’s not too much of a bummer for you all, but I just want to game to have its best chance for success.

Stay tuned for more!

Mag Fest is closing in!

Updates have been a little sparse as I’ve been in full steam to get ready for Magfest. Tightening up the demo, making promotional materials and some merch. Check out these adorable key chains we will have on sale at Magfest.

Also, it’s pretty exciting to see TDTWS listed with so many other fantastic looking games that I can’t wait to try. Check them out here:

Hope to see you all there!

The Site is officially live!

We’ve got a long way to go in this year for promotion, but the first step is done. We have a website. Now I just have to fill it with stuff when I’m not working on the game itself.

Which brings me to news about that. The next area is near completion, and it ended up being a bigger area than expected. Between deciding to add and extras section to Somnos Mansion and story line elements calling for 5 songs instead of my original 3 it have been a busy time indeed. But it will be worth it!

Stay tuned!